Is Financing Available for Surrogacy Costs in Oregon

Surrogacy cost

Is Financing Available for Surrogacy Costs in Oregon

Growing your family creates an emotional, psychological, and physical bond between parents and their baby that is so special, it is nearly indescribable. The tangible promise that this love is going to last a lifetime is overwhelmingly beautiful and is something many cannot biologically achieve on their own. 

At Same Love Surrogacy, our founders and agency professionals believe that surrogacy costs should not prevent individuals or couples from pursuing their dream of becoming parents. 

That is why we provide complete transparency and extended resources to help our clients build their families with confidence by knowing what they can expect financially when planning for surrogacy costs. 

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Oregon?

Estimated surrogacy costs can range from $130,000 – $180,000, depending on many variables and the overall expenses associated with the pregnancy. 

At Same Love Surrogacy, our surrogacy costs in Oregon include financial considerations for:

  • Separate Agency Fees for Domestic or International Intended Parents 
  • Legal Fees
  • Egg Donor, Surrogate, and Intended Parent’s Medical Screening Exams
  • Egg Donor Compensation & Expenses 
  • Surrogate Compensation & Expenses 
  • IVF Clinic Medical Expenses & Clinic Package/Fees
  • Health Insurance & Delivery Expenses 

Surrogacy costs in Oregon and throughout the country may vary widely based on each intended parent(s) requirements. At Same Love Surrogacy, we believe surrogacy costs should be transparent, so each party knows the extent of their financial involvement, so intended parents are overwhelmed by the emotional excitement of becoming parents — not the bottom line of surrogacy costs. 

Does Same Love Surrogacy Provide Direct Financing for Clients in Oregon?

Same Love Surrogacy may help intended parents meet the financial challenge of surrogacy costs in Oregon with a range of financing options available to qualified individuals or couples.

When intended parents select a surrogate or donor outside of the Same Love Surrogacy network, we offer sliding scale rates, which will decrease their overall surrogacy costs. 

What Other Financing Options are Available for Oregon Surrogacy Costs?

Surrogacy costs in Oregon may be offset by a combination of personal savings and financing options that will allow intended parents to use their current resources to break up their family planning expenses. 

Depending on each intended parent(s) unique circumstances, financial options to meet the cost of surrogacy in Oregon may include, but are not limited to:

  • Home Equity Loans 
  • Fertility Financing Loans 
  • 401(k) Plans and/or Retirement Savings
  • Credit Cards 
  • Loans or Donations from Family Members

Additionally, online resources like Go Fund Me may allow intended parents to host fundraisers to meet their financial goals and help offset their surrogacy costs. 

Finally, our partnership with Men Having Babies provides grants for gay men who are seeking to become parents.  With our partnership, we provide many GPAP Stage I participants discounts on our agency fee.  Not only that, but each year we also waive our agency fee to oversee and manage the journey of one GPAP Stage II same-sex intended parent(s)  — a $30,000 savings.

Contact us today to find out if we can assist you with a financing plan custom-designed for your unique surrogacy cost circumstances, so you can begin your journey to parenthood with confidence. 

Same Love Surrogacy
Same Love Surrogacy